8:30am - 4:00pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.
We will accept mid-week bookings outside of the above times with 7 days advanced notice and a minimum of two children, Full Day fee, per day (188.00+gst). If you are within the 7 day notice, please phone 1-866-952-3816 ext. 1260 and if there is a child already booked in, we will be able to facilitate you, barring 1:6 ratio/capacity issues.
Reserving a spot for your child before arrival is always recommended.
19 months - 6 years
We will not accept children outside of this age range under any circumstances.
Maximum capacity is 24 children.
We work on a strict 1:6 ratio to ensure safety and individual attention to your little one.
Little Rascals is a nut free facility.
The Nursery will close for the day if no bookings or drop-ins have occurred prior to 11:00am. Further questions or concerns?
Call Central Reservations directly 1-866-952-3816 ext. 1260.
Your child's healthcare number is required, without this entry into the nursery will be denied.

Prices do not include GST.
Half Day (8:30 - 12) or (12:30 - 4:00) | $62.00 |
Full Day (8:30 - 4:00) | $94.00 |
Nursery Lunch (only available with Nursery Purchase) | $16.85 |
Tiny Tracks (Full day of nursery care, lunch, rentals and two 1hr group lessons (ratio of 2:1) throughout the day) 4-6yrs only. | $189.00 |
The nursery staff take the time to ensure your little rascals feel safe and happy. Our motto is to provide a safe, fun and friendly learning experience.
The Ski Marmot Basin Nursery is not a licensed childcare facility, we comply with, and operate under the jurisdiction of AHS Jasper Community Health Services.